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WoPeeH notoriety
May 29 2020
- 997 respondents
- 12% via a friend
- 46% internet search
- 7% via social media or website
- 30% via a magazine
- 5% via another channel


Urinary aid WoPeeH®-pocket

Urinary device WoPeeH-pocket
For women who stand up!

WoPeeH-pocket is the new reusable urinary aid for the modern woman!
Designed for use without lowering your pants: discreet just as we want it!
WoPeeH-pocket is specially designed to take with you when you are on the go: small and closable.
Made of sturdy plastic, it is reliable in use and easy to rinse when you are finished.


peeing whilst standing up
  • can be used without lowering your pants!
  • is pressed tightly against your body during use
  • is made of a firm plastic (not a disposable)
  • is so small, it fits in your jeans-pocket
  • is easy and reliable in use
  • has a comfortable long spout
  • dries well off, so may be used without toilet paper
  • is closable for an easy and hygienic transportation
  • need more info? Download here User guide

Not afraid to try something new?

Then use your WoPeeH...
  • when toilet facilities are not hygienic at public facilities en route or at popfestivals
    remember... a lady also keeps the toiletseat clean!!
  • on holiday trips: when hiking, cycling or sailing and no sanitary facilities
    are available: just like a man... find a tree!!
  • if you are an outdoor professional and not sure about hygienic facilities on the go
  • interested? please feel free to check our reviews .
    and see what women say about WoPeeH-pocket

Check out here the party video made by students of
the Hogeschool Rotterdam. Enjoy! :)

Video festivals Women use WoPeeH-pocket

Urinary device WoPeeH-pocket black Urinary device WoPeeH-pocket green Urinary device WoPeeH-pocket pink Urinary device WoPeeH-pocket mint Urinary device WoPeeH-pocket blue

Buy your WoPeeH here


You may order your WoPeeH again via the

Elsy | 08/07/2022
Geniaal hulpstukje... 1 keer geprobeerd met broek op m’n enkels om ongelukjes te voorkomen, ging zonder problemen.
Net na een paar biertjes met overvolle blaas en broek aan try-out gedaan ...
Elsy | 27/06/2022
Graag wou ik mijn ervaring met de wopeeh delen.
Deze is onmisbaar! Standaard gaat deze mee in mijn zadeltas van mijn gravelbike. ...
Wilma | 21/07/2021
Ik ben erg blij met m’n Wopeeh, ’n superuitvinding. Ik gebruik ’m regelmatig. Helaas merkte ik vandaag ...

WoPeeH is a Dutch product that is produced in Delft.
| WoPeeH® | ©2013-2025 2B-OK |

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